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CAMRA Website of the Year 2007
CAMRA Website of the Year 2010
Campaign for Real Ale
Thwaites Brewery update
News of our region's biggest brewer [by Mike Kershaw]

Peter Morris, the MD appointed in May 2008, has carried out a strategic review of the business. The removal of two directors in late October 2008 has made way for three new directors to join the operations board. Two of these (like the MD) have S & N experience and take up roles of pub operations director and property director respectively; the other was formerly operations director for Punch in Scotland and takes up the newly created post of commercial director responsible for all marketing activities.

Around 37 managed houses are to become tenanted or leased (prior to this 385 were tenanted/leased) and 5 larger pubs with bedrooms are to join the other 8 in the Shire Hotels division. Pubs continue to close at the rate of 20 to 30 a year (co.'s admitted figure) - latest known closure is Victoria in Padiham. The MD states that Thwaites has too many pubs in too few areas, especially in East Lancs, and needs to broaden its horizons. He says that the company needs to break out from what has been a parochial environment and become more cosmopolitan in its thinking. Let's hope he's not going to do another Boddingtons where he also used to work!

Also 86 jobs are to go shortly - 55 pub managers are to be made redundant and 31 jobs are due to go at head office (25 jobs went last October!). Figures for six months to end of September, 2008 show 21% decrease in operating profit on Brewery Operations division whilst Shire Hotels operating profits are up by 25% for the same period.

New tenancy agreement has been introduced - all new tenancies to be on this basis. Existing tenants invited to sign up to this. Discounts ( e.g.£30 a barrel on draught beer) introduced and agreement is for 5 years rather than 3 as before. Standard annual RPI clause in agreement. Rent reviews every 5 years.

New bottling line filler equipment costing £750,000 to be bought to increase supply to wider market particularly south of England (e.g. Thwaites's beers now in Waitrose stores).

The company is firmly behind both Cask Ale Week and Axe the Tax campaigns.

The number of seasonal beers appearing in 2009 will increase significantly. Two test beers have also been on sale - Dark Horse, a strong mild at 3.9% ABV, and Lancashire Lightning, a well-hopped circa 4% brew appeared in Jan and Feb. Blind tastings took place in early Feb (local CAMRA members were invited as well as others) in selected pubs in the Ramsbottom, Wirral and Preston areas. At the event I attended, Pennine Lightning from Thwaites was on test alongside two cask beers from other breweries (all three beers were lettered to make each anonymous). I expect more test brews to appear but can get nothing definite from the brewery. Red Nose Bag abv 4,5% was a one-off to tie in with Red Nose Day. Despite information received from reliable sources, the brewery continually denies that there is a microbrewery within the brewery.
Very Nutty Black 3.9% ABV is the FIRST BOTTLE CONDITIONED BEER FROM THWAITES TO BE SOLD. This will be a one-off beer which will be bottled in April only for sale through Morrisons and other stores in May and June. The company produces BCAs (as well as non BCAs) for other brewers but all its regular bottled beers are chilled and sterile filtered but not pasteurised.
Cask Ale Calendar
June - Well Well Well, "a pale ale" at 3.8% ABV named after Brewery, Wards and Mafeking, the brewery's three wells which were used for brewing before Thwaites switched to mains water many years ago.
September - Golden Wunder, "a straw coloured beer brewed with german Hallertau hops" at 4.6% ABV - the idea is to evoke the Oktoberfest in September!!!
October  - The Ribbler, "an amber beer" at 4.2% ABV
November - Liberation Ale at 4.5% ABV returns again to tie in with British Legion appeal.
December - Good Elf at 4.9% ABV returns for the festive season.

Other recent brewery news...
A Festive Toast with Real Ale - Seasonal beer and cheer from Grindleton [posted on 17/12/2008]
Garthela Brewhouse - East Lancs newest brewery is fermenting... [posted on 12/12/2008]
Nutty new identity is black magic from Thwaites - Re-branding of an old favourite [posted on 25/03/2008]
Last orders for Porter Brewery? - The future of the Rossendale brewery may be in doubt [posted on 27/03/2007]
First chance to taste the new beers - Sample ales from East Lancs latest brewery [posted on 28/02/2007]
Old Fecker and Ribble Rouser! - The two maiden ales from Grindleton Brewhouse are born [posted on 22/02/2007]
Grindleton Brewhouse - New micro-brewery opening in the Ribble Valley [posted on 19/01/2007]
Thwaites 200th Anniversary - 2007 marks the Blackburn brewery's bicentenary [posted on 15/01/2007]
Moorhouses Launch Spooky Ales - Two Halloween ales appear at the Rising Sun [posted on 20/10/2006]
Witch Beer? Local Pub Guide
Witch Beer? Local Pub Guide

The East Lancashire Good Beer Guide - Witch Beer? - lists over 180 quality real ale pubs in our area with descriptions, photos and other information! Look out for the Witch Beer? "See us inside" sticker in the window of your local real ale pub, where you should be able to buy it for the price of a pint!

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